Lipari is a sensorial experience: an explosion of total liberty, a place to explore in the company of someone special. The view around the island is breathtaking. The low sucking of the tide can be heard at the water’s edge along with the volcano’s – enormous silence. Water, a fundamental element of pleasure, just like your pool.


You’re in the right place, but will you be able to capture the idyllic essence of the Isle of Capri? It might be easier with a friend. Leisurely strolls along the water’sedge, boat rides to the Grotta Azzurra. Have a nice long swim, and capture the sun’s last rays as it sinks slowly into the sea. Return to this abundance of water lit up at night: a pool of joy.


A transparent sea, a submarine world of grottos, walls and rocky seabeds where gorgonias, sponges and corals live together with violet lobsters and great shoals of blue fish. These seas are the untouched source of poems and legendary tales. The mythical “Aegades” of Homer.


A romantic refuge, the ideal place to relax, between the sea and the sky. Stay out late, carefree, beneath the stars. Appreciate the silence of the island whose name holds the sea’s salt and sand, the fragrance of Scotch broom, princes, “The Leopard”, at the edge of your pool.


The landscape is in continuous evolution, and nothing is what it appears to be: a mirage wavers in the scorching air. Reach a tiny oasis hidden beneath the palms and discover the transparent miracle of water in a swimming pool, a glass of mint tea, the mystery of a new beginning. Listen to the sound of clear water flowing at your pool’s edge.


This landscape, which I have already longing, is like dissolved in water. And it’s the loneliness that promises everything that leaves us free. When I try to imagine a pure love, or the life to come, what I hear is the sound of underground streams, what I see is a limestone landscape, that lingers against rock under the sun, that fascinates us with its abysses.


The gaze reflects in ancient mosaic, lost in shadow. Bits of me, bits of you, pieces of memory, unique fragments pieced together. Light glitters on each and every one. The colours of emotion unleashed in to the air.